About KBN
With total assets of over NOK 550 billion, Kommunalbanken AS (KBN) is one of the largest financial institutions in Norway. KBN provides loans to municipalities, county authorities and companies with municipal guarantee that carry out local government tasks. Our ambition is to contribute to the development of sustainable communities.
KBN is 100% owned by the Norwegian state. KBN was first established in 1927 and is today the largest lender to the local government sector.
Our total financing* of the sector is in excess of
NOK 375bn
We finance the local communities of tomorrow
KBN has a strong market position and seeks to use this to promote communities that are sustainable, both economically, socially and environmentally. We are committed to ensuring municipalities make future oriented choices when investing, and we offer a slightly lower interest rate on loans for projects that are ambitious from a climate perspective. We also use some of our resources to improve knowledge of climate change and risk, and interest rates, as well as economy and debt management for municipalities’ elected representatives and administrative teams.
One of the largest Norwegian borrowers
KBN finances its lending to the local government sector by borrowing money directly in the capital markets. KBN is today one of the largest Norwegian borrowers in the international capital markets, with a yearly borrowing program of around NOK 100 billion. KBNs green bonds finance the transition to a low-carbon, climate resilient future in Norwegian local societies. KBN has more than ten years’ history as an issuer of green bonds.
KBN has a conservative risk profile and is one of the few AAA-rated financial institutions in the world. KBN has never suffered any losses on its lending. As a state-owned company with a public mandate, strong capital base, robust operations and low risk appetite, KBN holds the highest possible credit rating from both Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s.
* Aggregate customer financing is the sum of KBN’s lending portfolio and KBN’s portfolio of municipal bonds in the liquidity portfolio, which are included as a part of KBN’s financing of customers.